Monday 30 May 2011

Welcome to the Club!

The purpose of this blog is simple: Take a film, watch it, review it. Spoilers abound here, as each film gets the academic review treatment, meaning that it is discussed as a complete work, and no secrets it contains are left out. If it turns out the main character is actually the killer, or the attractive femme fatale also has a penis, it will be openly discussed as it pertains to the film. Therefore, if you have not watched the movie under review (I'm talking to you, hypothetical reader), and you don't want it spoiled, then go to rottentomatoes, check the rating or whatever, go out and watch it, and then return here to join in the discussion.

The value of this blog will increase, as the amount of films reviewed increases. I enjoy themes, and currently have chosen to review the films of particular directors chronologically, though I will also post film reviews for any new film I've seen as they occur. The director I have chosen as my first to review is David Fincher, the director responsible for some of the most iconic films of my generation, including Fight Club, and most recently The Social Network. How has his style evolved over a 20 year career, and how has it stayed the same? I aim to find out, and anyone with a sincere interest in discussing film can feel free to join me.

As such, my first film will be 1992's Alien 3, Mr. Fincher's first film, and one I'm sure he'd rather forget. Has it improved with age? It's certainly not the worst in the series anymore, what with the Alien Vs Predator movies and all. We'll see...

Any comments are welcome, just remember that film appreciation is what this blog is all about, not film snobbishness. Enjoy


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